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Post Office Rifles Cemetery, Festubert, France Post Office Rifles Cemetery, Festubert, France
First Name: Walter Edward Barnard Last Name: BOECKER
Date of Death: 05/05/1915 Lived/Born In: Forest Hill
Rank: Private Unit: London7
Memorial Site: 1. Forest Hill, Christ Church 2. Dulwich College Memorial

Current Information:

Enlisted-Sun Street, London

Post Office Rifles Cemetery, Festubert, France



The 7th London battalion arrived in France in March 1915 as part of 140 Brigade, 47th Division and got its first taste of action that Spring in the trenches near Festubert in northern France. During the night of 4th May, 1915, 7th London took over the front line near Meadow Farm with Battalion HQ at a spot known as Smelly Farm. Enemy artillery and snipers were active in this sector and accounted for most of the casualties suffered by the battalion which included Walter Boecker who was killed on 5th May.


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