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Le Touret Memorial, France Le Touret Memorial, France
First Name: Bernard Douglas Last Name: TOD
Date of Death: 23/12/1914 Lived/Born In: Earl's Court
Rank: Private Unit: London14
Memorial Site: Le Touret Memorial, France

Current Information:




On 20th December, 1914, 1 Brigade of 1st Division undertook a twenty mile march from Strazeele to Bethune in France on their way to reinforce the India Corps which, on the previous day, had been heavily attacked from Cuinchy to the cross roads south of Neuve Chapelle. North and south of Givenchy trenches had been lost while on the front east of Festubert a 300 yard breech had been made in the line by the enemy.  

The next day they marched to Givenchy and Cuinchy and at 3pm, 1st Coldstream Guards and 1st Cameron Highlanders attacked Rue d’Overt. 1st Scots Guards were in support and 14th London were in reserve along with 1st Black Watch. German shelling caused a few casualties while crossing Pont Fixe and there was also rifle and machine-gun fire from the flanks to contend with. Fortunately a heavy hailstorm which blew into the enemy’s face, coincided with the initial attack and this restricted casualties and helped the men of 1st Coldstream Guards, 1st Cameron Highlanders and 1st Scots Guards to occupy old French trenches on the reverse of a slope. During the day two companies from 14th London were sent up, one to  fill a gap that had developed on the right of 1st Coldstream Guards and another to patrol the north bank of the canal. On 22nd December the other two companies were also sent forward to plug gaps in the line where it had been weakened by German counter-attacks. 14th London were finally relieved on 24th December after three days of fighting which had resulted in the inevitable casualties, both wounded and killed. One of these was Bernard Tod who was killed on 23rd December.

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