Profile Page

Merville Communal Cemetery, France Merville Communal Cemetery, France
First Name: Harold Archer Last Name: CROWE
Date of Death: 01/06/1915 Lived/Born In: West Brompton
Rank: Second Lieutenant Unit: London1
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61, Harcourt Terrace, West Brompton

Merville Communal Cemetery, France


On 28th May, 1915, the 1st London battalion then part of 25 Brigade8th Division, moved into the front line at Rue Bacquerot near Laventie where they remained until 21st June with two companies in the front line alternating every four days with the other two companies. On 31st May the battalion diary recorded that the trenches were shelled and that Harold Crowe was badly injured. He died from these wounds on the following day, 1st June.

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