Profile Page

Menin Gate, Ypres Menin Gate, Ypres
First Name: Frederick George Last Name: PARKER
Date of Death: 08/05/1915 Lived/Born In: Waterloo
Rank: Private Unit: Welsh1
Memorial Site: Menin Gate, Ypres

Current Information:



Battle of St Julien, 24 April – 4 May 1915

Spurred on by the success of their gas attack on 22nd April, the Germans struck again two days later on the northern sector of the Ypres salient at St. Julien.  Once more chlorine gas was used and despite a resolute defence the British and Canadians were pushed back and St Julien was lost. For nearly two weeks the fighting continued on this front. The Germans persisted with their attacks, the British fought desperate rear guard actions and launched many counter attacks but gradually they were pushed further and further back. Eventually, during the night of 3rd & 4th May the British forces were withdrawn from their forward positions and took up a new defensive line closer to Ypres.

When the second German gas account was launched on 24th April, units of 28th Division, including the 1st Welsh battalion of 84 Brigade, moved to assist the Canadians, who once again bore the brunt of the attack. 28th Division remained here throughout the battle and on 3rd May, 1st Welsh moved into new very wet trenches where they were heavily shelled. These trenches became the new front line on 4th May when 10 Brigade of 4th Division were pulled back and for the next two days 1st Welsh tried to improve their position while under this sustained shell fire. On 6th May they moved back to to the GHQ line but the shelling continued and Frederick Parker was killed here on 8th May.

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