Profile Page

Menin Gate, Ypres Menin Gate, Ypres
First Name: Edwin Last Name: BOND
Date of Death: 08/06/1915 Lived/Born In: Pimlico
Rank: Private Unit: Bedfordshire1
Memorial Site: 1. Pimlico, St Gabriel 2. Menin Gate, Ypres

Current Information:


10, Rutland Street, Pimlico


On 1st June, 1915, the 1st Bedfordshire battalion of 15 Brigade, 5th Division, moved into the front line at Hill 60 in the southern part of the Ypres salient. Shell fire was a permanent feature here and on 8th June the enemy targeted the Battalion HQ and the nearby railway cutting with their howitzers, killing two men and wounding another twenty one. One of those killed was Edwin Bond.

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