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Peronne Road Cemetery, Maricourt, France Peronne Road Cemetery, Maricourt, France
First Name: Archibald Edward Last Name: DYKE
Date of Death: 21/04/1917 Lived/Born In: Westminster
Rank: Rifleman Unit: Rifle Brigade2
Memorial Site: Royal Mail, South Kensington Memorial

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Peronne Road Cemetery, Maricourt, France


During February and March, 1917, the Germans made a strategic withdrawal to a new and very strong line running from Arras to Soissons. By doing this they eliminated two large salients and greatly reduced the number of troops needed to man the new defences. As they pulled back to the Hindenburg Line (Siegfriedstellung) they adopted a ‘scorched earth’ policy, systematically destroying everything in their path so as to leave nothing behind that would assist the enemy. Railways and roads were dug up, wells poisoned and even trees chopped down. Mines and booby traps were set to further hinder the British and French troops who followed up behind them until they reached the new formidable defences where one again trench warfare was established.

On 18th April, 1917, 2nd Rifle Brigade of 25 Brigade, 8th Division moved into an outpost line east of Gouzeaucourt and on 21st April they supported 2nd Lincolnshire when they attacked the village of Gonnelieu. When 2nd Lincolnshire attacked at 4.20am, 2nd Rifle Brigade protected their left flank and then moved round north and cut off the enemy retreat before meeting up with 2nd Lincolnshire in the village centre. The operation was a success but 2nd Lincolnshire faced some hard fighting before Gonnelieu was captured and the German artillery caused a number of casualties among 2nd Rifle Brigade.  Archibald Dyke died of wounds on 21st April and was probably wounded on an earlier date

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