Profile Page

Arras Memorial, France Arras Memorial, France
First Name: Mark Last Name: SHEPPARD
Date of Death: 11/05/1916 Lived/Born In: Wandsworth
Rank: Rifleman Unit: London18
Memorial Site: Arras Memorial, France

Current Information:


Between 8th May and 14th May, 1916, 18th London (London Irish Rifles), 141 Brigade, 47th Division, were in the line at Carency just to the north of Arras. There were three mine craters in the line and on 9th May another mine was blown. However, heavy mortar and shell fire which was immediately brought into action by the enemy and strong flanking fire prevented 18th London from gaining possession of the new crater. The pressure from the enemy continued the next day when bombing attacks were launched on the British trenches and a fierce artillery duel that lasted many hours followed. For the next four days, until relieved, 18th London remained under fire in these shell battered trenches.

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