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First Name: Charles Sabell Last Name: ORTON
Date of Death: 28/06/1916 Lived/Born In: Wandsworth
Rank: Rifleman Unit: London18
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19, Barmouth Road, Wandsworth

Tranchee de Mecknes Cemetery, Aix-Noulette, France

On 25th June, 1916, 18th London of 141 Brigade, 47th Division moved from support trenches at Bully-les-Mines and took over the front line in the Angres sector in France. On the night of 27th June-28th June, some of the battalion, along with some of 19th London, took part in a raid on the German lines the purpose of which was to capture a prisoner for interrogation, destroy strong posts, ammunition dumps and suspected mine shafts and generally cause as much damage as possible to men and material. The attack went in around midnight under cover of a gas and smoke screen. The German line was penetrated at two points and the bombers then worked their way towards each other. The raid was successful inasmuch as a prisoner was taken and considerable damage was inflicted on the enemy but of course there were casualties for 18th London too, one of whom was Charles Orton

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