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Loos Memorial, France Loos Memorial, France
First Name: Albert Victor Last Name: SANDERSON
Date of Death: 25/09/1915 Lived/Born In: Wandsworth
Rank: Private Unit: Border2
Memorial Site: Loos Memorial, France

Current Information:

Born-Bethnal Green


The Battle of Loos, fought by the British Army from 25th September, 1915 through to 13th October was conducted along a six-and-a-half-mile front running north from the mining village of Loos on the outskirts of Lens in Northern France. It was the largest offensive carried out by the British so far. The opening day involved an attack by six divisions, with others entering the fray as it progressed and it was part of a much wider offensive with the French launching their own attacks in Champagne and at Vimy. It was the first time that the British used gas during the war, despite their condemnation of the Germans for doing the same in April 1915. There were some encouraging results on the first day but no major breakthrough was achieved and in the successive days of the battle it became bogged down in brutal trench warfare. By mid-October the battle had petered out with the British having suffered over 60,000 casualties during its course.

On 25th  September 1915  7th Division attacked along a 1400 yard front between the Vermelles-Hulluch road and the Hohenzollern Redoubt but not including that stronghold. Along this stretch of the line the German defences were strong and had not been damaged much by the bombardment.  There were a number of strongpoints notably the Popes Nose Redoubt and The Quarries from which enfilade fire could be directed on the attackers. The villages just behind the German line, Hulluch, Cité St. Elie, Haisnes and La Bassée, were all strongly defended. At 5.50am on 25th September, 1915, a heavy British bombardment commenced and the gas cloud of chlorine was released. The gas on this stretch of the front had mixed results. The wind was not favourable every where and in some places it was not used.

At 6.30am 20 Brigade on the right attacked Breslau Trench with 2nd Gordon Highlanders and 8th Devonshire leading and after some hard fighting reached the Lens-Hulluch road. At this stage the two supporting battalions of 20 Brigade, 6th Gordon Highlanders and 2nd Border moved up.  2nd Border went into Gun Trench and Stone Alley and awaited the arrival of 22 Brigade.  

The  Germans kept up a heavy fire all evening particularly against the Quarries and at 1am they launched a skilful counter attack. They were well screened and quiet and got within bombing distance before being noticed. Some got into Gun Trench but were seen off in hand to hand fighting with 2nd Bedfordshire and 2nd Border.  A smoke candle lit made the Germans think a gas attack was on the way and they retired but they gained an advance post at the crossroad.

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