Profile Page

Beuvry Communal Cemetery, France Beuvry Communal Cemetery, France
First Name: James Joseph Last Name: HAGGERTY
Date of Death: 26/01/1915 Lived/Born In: Mile End
Rank: Sergeant Unit: Loyal North Lancashire1
Memorial Site: 1. East Ham, Central Park 2. Royal Mail, Poplar Memorial

Current Information:

24, Sceptre Street, Mile End

Beuvry Communal Cemetery, France


On 25th January, 1915, the Germans launched a strong attack, the First Action of Givenchy, against 1st Division, both north and south of the La Bassée canal during which they penetrated Givenchy and were only stopped at the keeps or strongholds behind the support line. The 1st Loyal North Lancashire battalion of 2 Brigade were sent up from Bethune to assist but in the end they were not required and went to billets in Beuvry. On the following day, 26th January, a large high explosive shell fell and exploded in a yard where the battalion orderly room had been established causing widespread death and destruction. Among those killed was James Haggerty.

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