Search Results

164 records returned

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GRAY John Lance Corporal London14 05/09/1917 View Button
BASS Alfred Edward Rifleman London16 10/08/1917 View Button
BUTLER Reginald Albert Rifleman London5 16/08/1917 View Button
HOUSE Allen Victor Private Middlesex16 13/08/1917 View Button
FORDY William Private Middlesex6 15/09/1917 View Button
MENDEL Reginald William Wynn Second Lieutenant Royal Field Artillery 19/09/1917 View Button
REED Cecil Edward Gunner Royal Field Artillery "A"Bty 86Bde 28/07/1917 View Button
ANSTEAD Leo John Private Royal Fusiliers4 28/09/1917 View Button
WHITE Cecil William Keane Captain Royal Horse Artillery 29/07/1917 View Button
JAKES Ernest Stuart Lance Corporal Royal West Surrey (Queens)11 01/08/1917 View Button
FISHER William John Private Wiltshire1 11/08/1917 View Button
ARCHDALE-PORTER John Grey Captain Lancers9 22/11/1917 View Button
RENTON Alan John Captain Essex2 02/12/1917 View Button
JENKINS Thomas William Gunner Royal Horse Artillery 2/1 (Warwick) Bty 16/10/1917 View Button
WOOD George Ernest Gunner Royal Garrison Artillery 189 Siege Battery 15/11/1917 View Button
NIX Alfred Lance Sergeant Grenadier Guards4 27/11/1917 View Button
SAMUELSON Geoffrey Bernard Fitzroy Lieutenant Coldstream Guards1 27/11/1917 View Button
WALKER George Stafford Lieutenant Royal Field Artillery B Battery 79 Brigade 20/11/1917 View Button
TOWNSEND Thomas Edward Pioneer Royal Engineers 303 Road Coy 17/11/1917 View Button
EDGAR Walter Private Lancashire Fusiliers1 09/10/1917 View Button

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