Search Results

58 records returned

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JARROLD Henry Rifleman King's Royal Rifle Corps1 27/07/1916 View Button
McDAVID John Lance Coporal Oxford & Bucks Light Infantry2 31/07/1916 View Button
MERCHANT Bartley Lance Corporal Hampshire14 03/09/1916 View Button
MILLER William Pioneer Royal Engineers 5Battalion Special Brigade 01/07/1916 View Button
PYKE Edwin Private London22 16/09/1916 View Button
ROSE George Frederick Sergeant King's Royal Rifle Corps12 18/09/1916 View Button
WAILING James Rifleman King's Royal Rifle Corps12 07/09/1916 View Button
CLARK Stephen Clutson Leading Stoker HM Submarine K13 29/01/1917 View Button
SMITH Arthur Ernest Private London24 01/01/1917 View Button
HUTCHINSON Robert Private Sussex12 03/02/1917 View Button
FARRINGTON William James Rifleman King's Royal Rifle Corps8 31/03/1917 View Button
HARRIS Alfred Armourer's Crew HMS Spey 07/03/1917 View Button
PUCKNELL William Thomas Private Middlesex2 07/03/1917 View Button
DORSETT Alfred Private London2/7 21/05/1917 View Button
GARTELL Robert James Private Dragoon Guards3 31/05/1917 View Button
HOPKINS Percy Private London24 08/06/1917 View Button
BECK William James Rifleman Rifle Brigade1 09/04/1917 View Button
JOYCE John Thomas Private Labour Corps 180th Company 11/09/1917 View Button
THOMLINSON William Corporal Royal Field Artillery 86 Brigade A Battery 03/08/1917 View Button
CHANEY Thomas Private Wiltshire6 07/09/1917 View Button

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