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41 records returned

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KETTLE Edward Sergeant Middlesex4 15/04/1917 View Button
WILSON George Private Cornwall Light Infantry6 26/08/1917 View Button
LEGNER Waclav Private Royal Fusiliers12 31/07/1917 View Button
MARR Michael Private Yorkshire13 23/11/1917 View Button
SKINNER Charles Morland Private London13 08/12/1917 View Button
BROOKS William Robert Sergeant London12 04/10/1917 View Button
DOBSON Arthur John Sergeant Gloucestershire13 27/03/1918 View Button
POWELL Charles George Driver Royal Field Artillery 23Bde Ammo Col 27/06/1918 View Button
PALMER Stephen Corporal Royal Fusiliers4 20/07/1918 View Button
FOLTYNIEWICZ Alexander Francois Lance Corporal Middlesex4 26/08/1918 View Button
GALINSKY Max Private Royal Fusiliers38 09/09/1918 View Button
PORTINARI Lazzaro Private West Riding2/4 29/09/1918 View Button
GILLETT George Edward Gunner Royal Garrison Artillery 394Siege Bty 20/10/1918 View Button
RUSSELL Alfred Private Sussex7 25/10/1918 View Button
OSBORNE Samuel Turner Lance Bombadier Royal Garrison Artillery 291Siege Bty 01/11/1918 View Button
LAMBELL Edward Charles Rifleman King's Royal Rifle Corps4 04/11/1918 View Button
MUMFORD James Private London19 13/06/1917 View Button
SULLIVAN John Private London19 04/06/1917 View Button
BATES Hermann Private Leinster2 27/03/1918 View Button
GRIFFITHS Joseph Frederick Private London1 16/08/1917 View Button

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