Search Results

58 records returned

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CONNELL Edward Private East Surrey8 08/10/1914 View Button
ALLEN Percy Arthur Private Cornwall Light Infantry1 18/05/1915 View Button
COLLINS William Francis Charles Rifleman London12 24/04/1915 View Button
COVE Thomas Private Middlesex8 26/04/1915 View Button
HOLLAND Edward Rifleman King's Royal Rifle Corps2 09/05/1915 View Button
JOHNSON Arthur Edward Private Cornwall Light Infantry2 23/04/1915 View Button
PARKER Frederick George Private Welsh1 08/05/1915 View Button
STONE Archibald Stoker1 HMS Natal 30/12/1915 View Button
CLARK Charles Thomas Private Wiltshire6 03/10/1915 View Button
HALL Frederick George Private Royal Berkshire1 28/09/1915 View Button
O'CONNOR Charles Private Royal West Surrey (Queens)1 25/09/1915 View Button
TUCKER Frederick John Private Royal Berkshire8 25/09/1915 View Button
WALKOM George Albert Private East Kent (Buffs)1 03/07/1915 View Button
ROUSE Frank Private Royal Army Veterinary Corps 05/09/1915 View Button
MUNRO Alexander Lance Corporal Royal Fusiliers9 02/03/1916 View Button
ROGERS John Gunner Royal Field Artillery "A" Battery 170 Brigade 17/05/1916 View Button
SIMPSON Charles Private Royal Fusiliers23 27/05/1916 View Button
BAIN William Corporal London14 01/07/1916 View Button
HOGBEN Richard George Private Cornwall Light Infantry1 03/09/1916 View Button
HOPKINS John Henry Private Royal Fusiliers4 15/07/1916 View Button

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