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73 records returned

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EDEN William James Rifleman King's Royal Rifle Corps2 31/10/1914 View Button
BOWLBY Thomas Rupert Captain Norfolk1 17/09/1914 View Button
ANDREWS Frederick George Lance Corporal South Wales Borderers2 08/05/1915 View Button
BUTLER William Lewis Private London13 19/04/1915 View Button
CONSTABLE Walter Evans Private Hampshire2 28/04/1915 View Button
COPLAND Dudley Charles James Second Lieutenant Sherwood Foresters1 09/05/1915 View Button
FLEMMING Herbert Otto Captain London9 07/05/1915 View Button
HYDE Arthur Allison Lance Corporal London21 12/06/1915 View Button
STANDRING Dudley Heforn Captain Manchester8 30/05/1915 View Button
VINCENT Harold Private Royal Army Service Corps 22/04/1915 View Button
BOYCE Gilbert Revill Private London Yeomanry Rough Riders 17/09/1915 View Button
JURGENS Sydney George Lieutenant Royal Lancaster6 17/08/1915 View Button
SIMON Eric Conrad Captain Lancashire Fusiliers2/5 17/08/1915 View Button
BRICKWELL George Frederick Gunner RGA 138Heavy Bty 29/05/1916 View Button
BLAND Charles E Captain Hampshire11 09/09/1916 View Button
FLETCHER Herbert Philips Major Royal Flying Corps/LondonYeo 03/08/1916 View Button
GOODALL Cecil Clarence Second Lieutenant Dorset6 07/07/1916 View Button
HEMINGWAY Eric Walter Rifleman London5 09/10/1916 View Button
JAY Michael Henry Rifleman King's Royal Rifle Corps17 03/09/1916 View Button
MOON Leonard James Lieutenant Devonshire 23/11/1916 View Button

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