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117 records returned

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PICKERSGILL-CUNLIFFE John Reynolds Second Lieutenant Grenadier Guards2 14/09/1914 View Button
TAYLOR William Private HMS Hawke RMLI 15/10/1914 View Button
FOLJAMBE Hubert Francis Fitzwilliam Major King's Royal Rifle Corps2 14/09/1914 View Button
FORSTER John Second Lieutenant King's Royal Rifle Corps2 14/09/1914 View Button
LOWE John Able Seaman HMS Hawke 15/10/1914 View Button
LUMLEY Richard John Second Lieutenant Hussars11 17/10/1914 View Button
MILLER Frederic William Joseph Lieutenant Grenadier Guards2 23/10/1914 View Button
TYRRELL Francis Chichester Second Lieutenant Coldstream Guards3 16/02/1915 View Button
HALL Harry Private London13 09/05/1915 View Button
AUSTIN John Karl Private Bedfordshire1 05/05/1915 View Button
HAYES Ernest de Lannoy Major Scottish Rifles2 10/03/1915 View Button
MICHELMORE Thomas Stanley Private London13 09/05/1915 View Button
MORRISON Gerard Humphrey Captain London5 31/03/1915 View Button
PALMER Roland Gaskell Captain South Wales Borderers2 25/04/1915 View Button
SHEPHARD Hardinge Lilford Lieutenant Commander HMS Viknor 13/01/1915 View Button
SOMERVILLE Henry Sergeant London13 09/05/1915 View Button
WHITAKER Trevor Lieutenant HM Submarine E10 21/01/1915 View Button
LAWRENCE Oliver John Second Lieutenant London8 26/05/1915 View Button
BRAITHWAITE Richard Wilfred Captain Durham Light Infantry10 31/07/1915 View Button
FITZJOHN Alfred John Private Royal West Surrey (Queens)8 25/09/1915 View Button

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