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156 records returned

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BENSON John Penrice Captain East Surrey1 23/08/1914 View Button
LAMB Cameron Captain Border2 29/12/1914 View Button
SNEATH Claude Davis Lieutenant Middlesex4 14/10/1914 View Button
COLLINS Vivian Donald Berry Lieutenant Sirmoor Rifles2 09/05/1915 View Button
GRANT Harold Charles Private Middlesex7 16/06/1915 View Button
HERFORD Francis Mackay Rifleman London9 24/04/1915 View Button
KEATING George Second Lieutenant Cheshire2 16/02/1915 View Button
MANN Frederick Christmas Second Lieutenant North Staffordshire1 12/03/1915 View Button
MOFFAT Arthur Thomas Private London14 14/06/1915 View Button
POULTON A J Private Canadian 14Bn 22/04/1915 View Button
YOUNG Henry Major Rifleman London21 22/04/1915 View Button
WALSINGHAM John Henry Sub Lieutenant HMS Goliath 06/05/1915 View Button
PARKIN Joseph George Sergeant Essex9 13/10/1915 View Button
ARTHUR John Second Lieutenant Gordon Highlanders8 26/09/1915 View Button
ENNEVER John Dominie Joseph Private Hon Art Coy3 18/11/1915 View Button
FRIPP John Trude Second Lieutenant Lincolnshire3 13/10/1915 View Button
KING Caleb William Private Honourable Artillery Company1 02/07/1915 View Button
MOSLEY Nicholas Captain North Staffordshire 01/08/1915 View Button
PARSLEY Roy James Rifleman London16 11/07/1915 View Button
BOWLING Edwyn Randolph Second Lieutenant Royal West Kent8 04/06/1916 View Button

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