Profile Page

Loos Memorial, France Loos Memorial, France
First Name: Percy Hubert Last Name: CLARKE
Date of Death: 28/10/1915 Lived/Born In: East Ham
Rank: Rifleman Unit: London17
Memorial Site: 1. East Ham, Central Park Memorial 2. Loos Memorial, France

Current Information:


48 Northfield Road, East Ham

On 21st October, 1915, 17th London (Poplar & Stepney Rifles) of 141 Brigade, 47th Division, moved into the front line trenches at Fort Tosh, a system of trenches rather than an actual fort, just north of the village of Loos. The Battle of Loos had by this time come to end and the normal routines and dangers of trench warfare were once again in evidence. On 26th October the enemy shelled these trenches very heavily causing several casualties. One unfortunate rifleman was buried by a shell explosion which left just his head above ground. A number of men were subsequently killed trying to rescue him. The following two days, 27th October and 28th October, 1915, the Germans continued with their shelling of these positions and two more men were killed including Rifleman Clarke.

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