Profile Page

Chatham Naval Memorial Chatham Naval Memorial
First Name: Alfred Last Name: TOPHAM
Date of Death: 10/06/1915 Lived/Born In: Canning Town
Rank: Stoker1 Unit: Royal Naval Motor Torpedo Boat 10
Memorial Site: Chatham Naval Memorial

Current Information:


84, Hayday Road, Canning Town

On 10th June, 1915, Royal Naval Torpedo Boats 10 and 12 along with three other Torpedo Boats and five destroyers, were searching for reported German submarines in the Thames estuary when Torpedo Boat 12 hit a mine laid by the German submarine UC11. She was badly damaged but remained afloat long enough for Torpedo Boat 10  to come alongside, transfer the crew aboard and then take her in tow. But luck was not with them that night and  Torpedo Boat 10 then hit a mine herself, broke in half and sank. It was thought at first that she had been torpedoed but it was later confirmed to have been a mine. Over 40 men from both crews lost their lives in this incident.

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